brand : McAdams
McAdams Hormone-Free Free Range Chicken (Low-Fat/Senior Dog Formula) Dog Dry Food Free Range Chicken (Senior&Light) Dog Dry Food
- Contains only 8% dietary fat.
- Low-fat formula can help dogs retain muscle proportion and reduce excess fat.
- Contains prebiotics to aid digestion in sensitive gastrointestinal tracts.
- Contains MSM to relieve joint pain, reduce inflammatory symptoms and improve immunity.
-Contains high levels of mucilin, which helps promote joint health.
- Contains glucosamine to replenish joint and structural tissue health.
- Contains chondroitin to slow down the degeneration of cartilage and repair lost parts.
- Grain and meat meal free, using British hormone-free pastured chicken.

-McAdams dog and cat food is the only one made from 100% British hormone-free, pastured chicken from DEFRA certified farms.
-Our fish is sourced from sustainable sources and meets the international standards of MSC Fisheries Certification.
-McAdams cat and dog food has completely natural ingredients and no added amino acids.

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McAdams - Free Range Chicken Light Dog Food (Senior/Light Dog Formula) 5kg - MAOD-CK005K
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